Saturday, 20 March 2010

Pirates of the Caribbean On Strangers Tides Movie

Producer Jerry Bruckheimer confirmed that Actress Penelope Cruz would be on board for the movie Pirates of the Caribbean On Strangers Tides. And he's been quite talkative, he even revealed a few plot details of Pirates of The Caribbean 4:

So Geoffrey Rush is back as Captain Hector Barbossa, but he won't be the main villain: Sparrow will meet a new nemesis called Blackbeard (Ian McShane) who's the nastiest pirate ever! And from what leaked online previously, Blackbeard would be a kind of Captain Nemo utilizing some new-style technology.

Penelope Cruz is playing the role of Blackbeard's Daughter. This new character brings a lot of humor to it. And the fact that she's so feisty. Fans will like to know that there will be a little romance between Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow and the character that Penelope plays.